Year 1

During Year 1, we encourage our pupils to become a little more independent in their learning.

Children are inspired to learn and develop their understanding of the world through an exciting range of diverse topics, such as Castles. Toys, India and Space, where we help extend the children’s learning in a creative way.

Building upon what the children have learnt in their phonics lessons in Nursery and Reception, we continue teaching phonics following the Read Write Inc Scheme during regular timetabled slots. These sessions are usually at the beginning of the day before an English lesson.

Children are given weekly spelling lists to learn. These lists of words are created based on the sounds that have been taught that week to consolidate what the children have been learning in class. An optional homework is provided to children called ‘The Question of the Week’. This is a writing task where children can write their answer to the question in their homework book. Parents are encouraged to share ideas and research answers with their child. This provides a great opportunity for parents to support their child with their progress in writing too.

Mrs Excell (Deputy Head of Pre-Prep) teaches Year 1 a weekly handwriting lesson, which focuses on letter formation and letter joins. The ‘Inspire Maths’ scheme we follow is built on the proven approach to teaching Maths in Singapore. The carefully designed spiral progression in the programme builds up knowledge over time, helps children to make meaningful connections between mathematical ideas and builds mastery through frequent and varied practice.

Throughout the year, class teachers create assignments using the MyMaths resource to consolidate and practise the maths skills that have been learnt in lessons.

We continue following the school’s book band system. Children choose their own fiction or non-fiction book from their book band colour and read to an adult at school three times a week. We instil a love for reading by regularly reading stories to the class, ensuring all classrooms have a book corner, visits to the wonderful school library and encouraging children to read to an adult at home every day.

Why Newland House?

Open Mornings
And Stay and plays
