
Newland House’s school uniform and sports kit can be bought online or locally from School Zone, which is based in Kingston upon Thames.

School Zone

School uniform can be ordered online at www.school-zone.co.uk or in store.

School Zone, 3rd Floor Bentalls Department Store, Wood Street, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1TX

Store enquiries: 020 8541 6790

Email: enquiries@school-zone.co.uk

School Shop

Our School Shop is run by parents with all proceeds going back to the school. You can buy second hand uniform and games/PE kit as well as a selection of school specific items, such as book bags, sports bags and swimming caps.

It can be found by the minibus entrance of the Prep School and is open every Friday afternoon during term time from 3.30 to 4.15pm and on a set morning during each major holiday.

Why Newland House?

Open Mornings
And Stay and plays
